Learn the Linux Command-Line

Learn the Linux command-line with our free articles on Linux. Interested in Learning more Linux and mastering the command-line?

Check out my book, Shell Samurai at the link below:

  • Why the Linux Mascot is a Penguin: The Story Behind Tux 🐧

    Why the Linux Mascot is a Penguin: The Story Behind Tux 🐧

    When it comes to operating systems, few have a mascot as iconic and beloved as Linux’s Tux the Penguin. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or new to the open-source community, you’ve likely come across this charming little penguin at some point. But have you ever wondered why the Linux mascot is a penguin? In…

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  • Mastering Linux Pipes: A Powerful Tool for Command-Line Efficiency

    Mastering Linux Pipes: A Powerful Tool for Command-Line Efficiency

    Introduction In the world of Linux, the command line is a powerful and versatile environment for performing tasks and automating workflows. One of the key features that makes the Linux command line so effective is the concept of “pipes.” Pipes allow you to take the output of one command and use it as input for…

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  • Mastering the sed Command on Linux: A Powerful Stream Editor

    Mastering the sed Command on Linux: A Powerful Stream Editor

    Introduction The sed command, short for “stream editor,” is one of the most versatile and powerful text-processing tools available on Linux and Unix-like systems. It allows you to perform complex text transformations, substitutions, and deletions on input streams, files, or data from pipelines. sed is particularly well-suited for batch processing and automated editing of large…

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